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On the 23rd March we were all forced to stay at home to protect our families and

ourselves from the impending doom of Coronavirus. For weeks prior to the

On the 23rd March, we were all forced to stay at home to protect our families and us

as a nation. With this announcement came feelings of uncertainty, fear and even doubt.

Young people across the country were told to say their goodbyes to classmates and

teachers not knowing when or if they will see them again; in a blink of an eye GCSEs and

A-levels were cancelled after years of preparation.

As a young person, the past two months has not been like anything you have ever had to

deal with. You have been forced to adapt to a new way of life. You have also heard about

a significant number of people; young and old losing their lives to this virus. What can

you anchor yourself to in the midst of so much uncertainty? We read in Romans 5:3-5

that because of our faith in Jesus we stand in a place of confidence and joy. As strange

as it sounds, God calls us to rejoice during trying times because it will develop endurance

which in return strengthens our character and increases our hope for the future.

Before the Israelites could enter the promised land, God had to prepare them spiritually

and physically. They travelled through the wilderness for forty years living on nothing but

heavenly manna (a white substance that fell from the sky) and water. During this time the

faith of some (Joshua, Caleb) increased whilst the faith of others diminished through

doubt and idolatry. May I propose that God may be using this pandemic to impact your

life on a personal level (Romans 8:28)? Many of you had hopes of having the best

summer of your life with your friends and heading off to university to have an even more

epic time. God has positioned you in a time like this to prepare you for what lies ahead.

We can relate to the Israelites in the wilderness as we are also met with a choice during

this pandemic to honour God with our time by praying, reading his word, spending time

with our loved ones, engaging with other christian virtually and resting; or sitting in

doubt and idolatry by worrying about the current situation and wasting our day on social

with our loved ones, engaging with other Christians virtually and resting; or sitting in a

place God has promised us. If this pandemic has given you a second chance at building

a relationship with your parents and sibling, helped learn what to prioritise and develop

time management, I urge you to continue to strive to perfect these things. Most

importantly, if this pandemic has brought you closer to your heavenly father, I urge you to

continue to press in and seek all he has he in store for you (Matt 6:33). If you feel like you

have been wasting your time, it is not too late. God still wants to do a work in you to

prepare you for all that lies ahead.

We read in Numbers 22 of a sorcerer named Balaam who was hired to pronounce curses

on the Israelites as they journeyed through the wilderness to the promise land. As he

opened his mouth, he could only pronounce blessings over them because they had

God’s protection and favour. As children of God, you have his protection and favour too

as you journey through this pandemic to all that God has for you.


Claud Jaiyeola

Song Recommendation

Promises- Joe L Barnes & Naomi Raine

The blessing -Elevation Worship


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