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This headline may not be new to you as a believer, as most of us know the battles we face in our marriages. But on a wider scale the attack on God’s own institution called marriage by the enemy is to destroy the godly values on which this nation was originally built on.

Consider these facts:

  1. A government survey done in 2019 has shown that the number of people living alone in the UK has risen by 20% over the last 20 years; a statistically significant increase (from 6.8 million in 1992 to 8.2 million in 2019). One of the reasons given is that now a higher proportion of men than women never marry. This sug-gests that a growing number of men and women in our modern UK just do not see the point of marriage and men seem to hold that view more strongly!

  2. Same sex married couples in 2019 is the fastest growing type of same sex family having increased by 40% since 2015 in the UK. This as we know goes against God’s natural law on marriage / re-lationship (Romans 1:19-27)

  3. In 2016, it was shown that religious marriages have fallen by about 48% since the last 20 years. This was attributed to a rise in “legally” recognised partnership. We live in a time where God is being removed from marriage and people now want to have the benefits of marriage but not the commitment and covenant that goes with it. I call this: “living in sin”

  4. Marriage rates between men and women in the UK have fallen to a record low. This decline began since the early 1970’s. Experts say that the reason for this drop is because of lower societal expecta-tions that couples need to marry.

Over 80 years ago in the UK, people got married because society ex-pected them to but today it has been suggested by experts that the same societal pressures do not exist and now people have a far wider option on how they form, structure and manage their relationships. In the UK we have prioritised the need to start a family as unimportant but choose education (career), buying a house and even going travelling over marriage!

What does this mean for us as believers in the UK?

It means if we are still playing games in our marriage; not being faithful with our spouse, not showing love or care to our family, putting work and money before our home and so on, we are giving our children a very bad ex-ample of marriage and already society is already challenging our chil-dren’s belief with the statistic I showed you above that “it is ok not to get married as the pursuit of riches and worldly desires takes prece-dence and if you do get married its also acceptable not to do it God’s way!” We live in a UK, where the devil is attacking the God ordained institution of marriage, knowing fully well that if he can pollute marriage like he did to the first marriage in the bible (referring to Adam & Eve), then he can bring sin and disorder to the world. He knows the main way he can attack God’s church is to attack our marriage. A dysfunc-tional marriage will lead to a dysfunctional church. Marriage was designed by God to be the foundation of society through which stability and order is given to the world. Its no wonder there is chaos, confu-sion, .wickedness and all manners of evil in the UK because the devil has been able to make society think and declare they do not need God’s way of marriage. Many of the troubles we are seeing in UK can be traced to the dysfunctionality of the marriage institution in our society. It is high time we as believers to turn back to God’s Word quickly to learn, understand, internalise and live by His law (blueprint) on marriage if we are to have successful and godly homes. Please I implore you to study and mediate regularly on Genesis 2:23-25 and Ephesians 5:21-33 as a starting point for yourself. We need to pray for the institution of marriage in the UK which the enemy has to a certain degree taken a foothold of; that God Almighty will arise and overturn the devil’s agenda against marriage and that God in His infinite mercy will turn the society’s expectation back to HIM and HIM alone in.

JESUS MIGHTY NAME! God bless you.

Pastor James Sambo


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