The struggle we face from time to time is no stranger to most people, including believers. That is “Why Can’t I Do the Things I Know I Should Do?
As growing Christian disciples, we struggle every day to do the things we know we should do—whether that is to pray, to resist a blatant sin, or be nice on social media, the list is endless.
Some of us struggle with hardcore addictions and sinful habits.
Some of us struggle with unforgiveness or negative and critical thoughts.
Some of us struggle with obeying God’s last instruction.
If we are honest, we all struggle with trusting God in some area of our heart, and we all continually fall short of God’s best for our lives.
You are not alone. The Apostle Paul, himself, said the things he wanted to do, he couldn’t seem to do sometimes.
He ended up doing the very thing he hated and really didn’t want to do (Rom 7).
Even when we are born again, we continue to struggle with our flesh and areas of unbelief and sin in our hearts. We miss God’s best many times.
What has God put on your heart that you know you need to do? What is God requiring of you today? At this time in your life? How is it going?
I don’t know what you are specifically struggling with right now, but Jesus can give you overcoming power.
So the question then is, how do I start. Well if that is your asking, consider the following.
First Get Honest with Yourself
Just go ahead and admit it. We will never be good enough, and we can’t control our sin. However, do not cower to condemnation!
Jesus is good enough! And even though we can’t control our sin with human willpower, we can be forgiven.
And God will give us His amazing Holy Spirit to teach and empower us to overcome all things!
We can live overcoming lives in the grace and power of Jesus Christ.
So, forgive yourself, forgive others, forgive God if you are the type that blames him.
You cannot do this alone, so acknowledge your failures, ask for forgiveness, ask for help, and get back up to try again!
You are worth far more than gold or diamonds. You are valuable! Your heavenly Father believes you are valuable! Your life matters!
The next is to Overcome Sin by Growing Strong in Spirit
To have success in our spiritual life and to experience all the wonderful promises God has for us, we simply must choose to add more spiritual things in our daily lives than carnal, fleshly, life-draining things.
“But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh” (Gal 5:16).
We will struggle less and less as we learn to walk in the Holy Spirit more and more.
When we spend more time with the Lord in prayer, worship, and His word, we grow in spiritual strength.
We hardly notice at first, then we realize we have grown strong enough so the thing that bothered us before does not bother us anymore.
“The yoke will be broken because of the anointing................”
To overcome lingering sinful habits becomes a growth issue. We might be doing the right things, but maybe not enough to break the yokes that hold us in bondage.
We have to grow bigger and stronger so those yokes around our neck will bust and break off.
May you walk more determined and resolute in dealing with your flesh in Jesus name.