We can't teach our children about prayer if we don't pray as a family. We can't teach our children how to walk in faith and trust God if our own actions indicate fear, worry, or disobedience. We can't teach our children how to be joyful in God's love if we aren't being a vessel for God's light and love to shine through.
The Bible teaches us to Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
Here are Methods for Training Your Children to live a life of Christian faith:
Attend Church as a Family Regularly Make it a priority to attend church on regular basis.. Don't just attend church, get involved with what your church of choice has to offer like Sunday school classes, Bible studies, Women's groups, and more.
Watch DVD's or Listen to Music CD's Sometimes a great way to reinforce God's message is through a cute movie that captures the attention of children. Music is also a wonderful resource. There are music CD's out there that teach scriptures as part of the song lyrics. Check your local Family Christian Stores for some great choices.
Read a Children's Bible with your children.
You can find a reading plan and sit with your child each day for a few minutes to read, or you can incorporate your Bible reading with a daily devotional.
Read Daily Devotional's Together
Most nights at bedtime Read a daily devotion from the book and the Bible verse that goes with it. There are a lot of great devotionals out there for kids of all ages.
Live a Lifestyle of Faith
Make a conscious effort to set a godly example in your daily living. Some days are better than others. We aren't perfect. That's the beauty of teaching through example. Our children get to see God loves us despite our human imperfections. Strive to set a good example in your own faith and lifestyle. Children are always watching their parents.
Nurture Their Friendships With Other Believers
Let them be friend with children they attend church with. Whenever possible, encourage them to spend time with these families and friends through playdates, family gettogethers, or other means of fellowship. There's always something valuable to be learned from other believers in our moments of fellowship.
Keep the Lines of Communication Open and Encourage Spiritual Discussions
Pray together at meal times, look for opportunities throughout the day to talk about God or teach about your beliefs. Make sure to tell your children they will never be ridiculed, brushed off, or judged for any question they may have about Christianity. Make sure your children hear you praying, hear you talking about your faith, and hear you tell them they can come to you with any questions they might have.
Bola Salami